803 Greene St. ~ Boone, IA 50036 ~ 515-432-3540
About us
For well over 100 years, Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has served the community of Boone, Iowa and surrounding areas. Our first church building was dedicated in 1876, the same year the church was founded. A second church structure was erected and dedicated to replace the first building in 1893; that building was destroyed by fire was replaced in 1903. An education building with classrooms and office space was added to the north of the 1903 sanctuary, and was dedicated on May 23, 1954. The Fellowship Hall, Fireside Room and kitchen were dedicated in 1970. A modern Sanctuary, Library and Choir Room were dedicated in 1979.
Twenty-nine ministers have served the church as "settled" or permanent pastors since 1884, including one associate minister who served alongside a senior minister from 1993 to 1998. The Rev. G. H. Sutton served the longest pastorate of approximately twelve years from 1930 to 1942. The average pastorate length is four and a half years.
Pastor: Clayton Boyd
Pastor's cell: 910-885-1670
Pastor's email: kilmarnock01@yahoo.com
Secretary: Donna Adams
Custodian: Laurie Cook